Something To Look Forward To = Deliverance

I remember how it felt to move to Phoenix – adventurous, intrepid, liberating! I was only 24 and had been married for almost a year. We had seven days to make the decision about moving, sight unseen, to a city with a population of more than half my entire home state. The company for whichContinue reading “Something To Look Forward To = Deliverance”

I’m In No Hurry

This morning, for the first time in over 3 weeks, I found myself at home and in no hurry. At home. In. No. Hurry. I did have that “you must be missing something important” feeling and watched my pulse jump with anticipation a few times before even 9:00 am, but sure enough, there was noContinue reading “I’m In No Hurry”

Learn & Love

I had a migraine this morning. It started at 5:47 am, and I was awake enough to realize it was happening. It was as if I was purposely roused by The Universe at just the right moment to feel this wicked, little bubble of pain burst and distribute its contents into the tributaries of myContinue reading “Learn & Love”

You do not have to earn rest.

We were taught that work came before play. We get our work done, then we can do the things we WANT to do. We have been conditioned to believe that “rest” means “lazy” somehow. Our pesky inner voice tells us that we should always be busy doing something so that we might be productive, andContinue reading “You do not have to earn rest.”

Embrace doing nothing.

Overachievers, Workaholics, and People Pleasers, listen to me… You are NOT doing nothing. This weird week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, know that if you use your downtime to sleep, read, watch TV, work a crossword puzzle, sew, eat cheese, sit and stare out the window, whatever, you ARE doing something. You are resting.Continue reading “Embrace doing nothing.”

We always have a choice.

We always have a choice. Always. We can choose to respond or not respond. We can choose action or complacency. We can choose courage over fear. We can choose gratitude instead of lamenting the things we don’t have. We can choose starting over or hanging on to the past. We all know this. We allContinue reading “We always have a choice.”

Suicide Prevention: The Blame Game

If you’ve been following our story as part of Suicide Prevention Month, you’ve heard me mention the Blame Game. I blamed myself. I blamed the world. I blamed myself. I blamed teenage angst. I blamed myself. I blamed hormones. I blamed myself. Blaming myself seemed natural. I birthed her. I fed her and rocked her.Continue reading “Suicide Prevention: The Blame Game”

Friday Adventures, September 9, 2022

Following a few conversations about our safety in and around Memphis, we opted for a Friday Adventure right here close by full of giggles and retail therapy! We got our fill at Wayback Burgers, and if you haven’t been there yet, run (and I mean, do not walk) and try it. Brady had the CheeeeesyContinue reading “Friday Adventures, September 9, 2022”

RIP to My Sanity

Here’s where the erosion of your sanity will get you… Our company’s vans died literally dead seemingly all at once (ummm, today), and we are now in a pickle. So I found two online, had them brought down from Murfreesboro, TN (which took some doing), and I’ve been scrambling to figure out how in theContinue reading “RIP to My Sanity”

Internal Dialog…Try Harder

My internal dialog just this morning… Amanda, take your probiotic. Your gut is a mess. You haven’t been eating right at all. No wonder you feel like crap. Speaking of that, go prep tonight’s food. You’ll be glad you did. Aren’t you glad you bought groceries? Now eat right, and quit wondering why your bodyContinue reading “Internal Dialog…Try Harder”