Slow Down Vibes

I can slow down. I can actually enjoy the process involved in completing a task at hand. What does that even mean? Let me tell you how much I have had to think on that one and get it straight in my head. It’s not how I have been programmed. It is not my usualContinue reading “Slow Down Vibes”

Create Souvenirs

We leave things behind. We leave something where ever we go. We leave a little part of ourselves with every person with which we interact. Like souvenirs. That little thing – the smile, the encouraging word, the compliment, the observation, the point, the snarky comment, the criticism, those last words – we leave behind. WeContinue reading “Create Souvenirs”

Your thoughts on AI?

AI is about to jack us up, Y’all. What do you think? I heard about ChatGPT over a year ago. If you don’t know what that it is,  it’s a free open-source AI program that will pretty much give you back whatever you ask for. Here’s an example…I asked ChatGPT for a list of tenContinue reading “Your thoughts on AI?”

Fertile for the right seed.

“Is my mind fertile for the right seed?” That’s the question. Now, let’s get into it. I love to learn. I have always loved to learn. Except that I actually must have a life and manage it effectively day to day, I would read book after book, go to college again, sit with interesting people,Continue reading “Fertile for the right seed.”

You do not have to earn rest.

We were taught that work came before play. We get our work done, then we can do the things we WANT to do. We have been conditioned to believe that “rest” means “lazy” somehow. Our pesky inner voice tells us that we should always be busy doing something so that we might be productive, andContinue reading “You do not have to earn rest.”

Marry right.

Here’s a cool thing about marrying right (there are many, but here’s one): You get someone who helps make all your dreams come true…then they help you come up with new dreams. I married right. In our 25 years (come May 2024), I will have crossed off pretty much every item on my by-the-time-I’m-40 bucketContinue reading “Marry right.”

The (Not Always) Strong? I got over it.

Are you one of “the strong ones” who’s got it all together? Are you the one who helps, who has answers, who offers the shoulder other people can feel free to cry on? Are you the handler of things, the planner of activities, the thrower of parties, the good vibes sender? Are you the informationContinue reading “The (Not Always) Strong? I got over it.”

Thank you for peace. Finally.

Seated on the floor, feet criss-crossed, my lower back a little uncomfortable, palms up, I started to breathe deeply and purposefully. In and out. The room was quiet. My eyes were closed, but I could detect the flicker of the candle nearby. My tummy growled, and my neck felt stiff. I noticed a tingling inContinue reading “Thank you for peace. Finally.”