Something To Look Forward To = Deliverance

I remember how it felt to move to Phoenix – adventurous, intrepid, liberating! I was only 24 and had been married for almost a year. We had seven days to make the decision about moving, sight unseen, to a city with a population of more than half my entire home state. The company for whichContinue reading “Something To Look Forward To = Deliverance”

Make the Decision. Evolve.

I came up with a list of what I wanted out of “retirement” from dance studio ownership, and here I am doing things on my list:  leisurely drinking coffee and reading about wine at 11:00 am on a Monday. Yes. Among other things, leisurely drinking a cup of coffee AND reading AND learning about wineContinue reading “Make the Decision. Evolve.”

Things I Learned Today

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 Today, I learned that retirement brings about unanticipated emotions. I faced reality on a number of fronts, and they were all hard. The emotions are a little hard to untangle, and I might need to call upon some of my industry friends to help me sort through them. Apparently, my faceContinue reading “Things I Learned Today”

Things I Learned Today

Monday, June 10, 2024 I learned that I need to check on what we have in the fridge and in the pantry before I buy groceries. We have 4 unopened jars of pickles, at least 3 bottles of Caesar dressing, and enough chicken stock to support the buoyancy of an aircraft carrier. I could goContinue reading “Things I Learned Today”


I am an over-preparer. I’m the one who packs too many outfits for a weekend trip, not to mention two too many pairs of shoes. At any given outdoor event, I have sunscreen, insect repellent, a battery-powered fan (and extra batteries), and even a clean wet cloth sealed in a zippy bag for washing dirtyContinue reading “Nesting”

The Evolution: One Month In

The Evolution has begun, and I am one month in…without a post. I suck at this, but I’m learning. Let’s catch up first, then I’ll share the struggle… I spent the first week of March traveling, which was glorious. My son, Blake, and I made it to Utah and hiked The Narrows in Zion NationalContinue reading “The Evolution: One Month In”

Cooking is my love language.

One of the things I am looking most forward to as I create the life I want to live is cooking. Cooking is one of my love languages. If I cook for you, I love you! The funny thing is that, in my old life, cooking was drudgery. My people actually wanted to eat every,Continue reading “Cooking is my love language.”

Selfish (In A Good Way) & Not Alone

When you embark upon a mission of self awareness, you have to get really selfish (in a good way). That was not easy for me. I give to people. I overextend myself to make other people happy. I worry and lose sleep to ensure what I’m doing for others is top-notch. I feel other people’s pains and tend to wantContinue reading “Selfish (In A Good Way) & Not Alone”