Things I Learned Today / 6/19/24

Today I learned how to make bananas foster, as promised. We had it with vanilla bean ice cream. It was divine! I learned today that my blog’s website needed work. I still think it needs work (as in, programming, SEO, plug-ins, and such-type work), but it gets over my head. The learning curve is real,Continue reading “Things I Learned Today / 6/19/24”

Make the Decision. Evolve.

I came up with a list of what I wanted out of “retirement” from dance studio ownership, and here I am doing things on my list:  leisurely drinking coffee and reading about wine at 11:00 am on a Monday. Yes. Among other things, leisurely drinking a cup of coffee AND reading AND learning about wineContinue reading “Make the Decision. Evolve.”

Slow Down Vibes

I can slow down. I can actually enjoy the process involved in completing a task at hand. What does that even mean? Let me tell you how much I have had to think on that one and get it straight in my head. It’s not how I have been programmed. It is not my usualContinue reading “Slow Down Vibes”

Create Souvenirs

We leave things behind. We leave something where ever we go. We leave a little part of ourselves with every person with which we interact. Like souvenirs. That little thing – the smile, the encouraging word, the compliment, the observation, the point, the snarky comment, the criticism, those last words – we leave behind. WeContinue reading “Create Souvenirs”

The (Not Always) Strong? I got over it.

Are you one of “the strong ones” who’s got it all together? Are you the one who helps, who has answers, who offers the shoulder other people can feel free to cry on? Are you the handler of things, the planner of activities, the thrower of parties, the good vibes sender? Are you the informationContinue reading “The (Not Always) Strong? I got over it.”

Curious vs. Interested

There’s a difference between curious and interested. I heard that this morning, and it made an impression. Think about it. Curiosity, I understand, comes from the head. Interest comes from the heart. The Curious ask to get information. Maybe they want to learn something. Maybe they are nosey and want the scoop. Maybe they wantContinue reading “Curious vs. Interested”