Make the Decision. Evolve.

I came up with a list of what I wanted out of “retirement” from dance studio ownership, and here I am doing things on my list:  leisurely drinking coffee and reading about wine at 11:00 am on a Monday. Yes. Among other things, leisurely drinking a cup of coffee AND reading AND learning about wineContinue reading “Make the Decision. Evolve.”

Slow Down Vibes

I can slow down. I can actually enjoy the process involved in completing a task at hand. What does that even mean? Let me tell you how much I have had to think on that one and get it straight in my head. It’s not how I have been programmed. It is not my usualContinue reading “Slow Down Vibes”

The Evolution: One Month In

The Evolution has begun, and I am one month in…without a post. I suck at this, but I’m learning. Let’s catch up first, then I’ll share the struggle… I spent the first week of March traveling, which was glorious. My son, Blake, and I made it to Utah and hiked The Narrows in Zion NationalContinue reading “The Evolution: One Month In”

Evolution Meets Courage

I am writing a lot lately about evolution. Evolving, creating the life you want, shaking things up, reinventing yourself, shedding the old and embracing the new, fully immersing yourself in the process, allowing the flow to carry you, taking extra care to enjoy the journey…I am not running from any of it. As a matterContinue reading “Evolution Meets Courage”

Just do.

I heard that, if you’re going through something, you should wait until you’ve gone through it completely to write about it. Give readers the whole scope of whatever you’ve suffered, accomplished, or figured out from beginning to end. Describe the trials, give the steps you took, tell the story, illustrate the outcome. Maybe so. IContinue reading “Just do.”

Marry right.

Here’s a cool thing about marrying right (there are many, but here’s one): You get someone who helps make all your dreams come true…then they help you come up with new dreams. I married right. In our 25 years (come May 2024), I will have crossed off pretty much every item on my by-the-time-I’m-40 bucketContinue reading “Marry right.”

I Owe Myself An Apology, But…

I owe myself an apology… I apologize for disrespecting my body and not treating this wonderfully-created, miraculous vessel more kindly. I pushed it too hard, deprived it of sleep, and filled it with junk food more than I should have. I’m sorry for not safeguarding my heart more and better protecting my peace. I let my heartContinue reading “I Owe Myself An Apology, But…”