Cooking With Love

Only 4 short weeks and within the last 12 years ago, I would have rather eaten a pair of Reebok Pumps than cook. I didn’t want to stand on my feet in front of a stove. I didn’t want to expend the brain power necessary for meal planning. I certainly didn’t want to go toContinue reading “Cooking With Love”

Make the Decision. Evolve.

I came up with a list of what I wanted out of “retirement” from dance studio ownership, and here I am doing things on my list:  leisurely drinking coffee and reading about wine at 11:00 am on a Monday. Yes. Among other things, leisurely drinking a cup of coffee AND reading AND learning about wineContinue reading “Make the Decision. Evolve.”

I’m In No Hurry

This morning, for the first time in over 3 weeks, I found myself at home and in no hurry. At home. In. No. Hurry. I did have that “you must be missing something important” feeling and watched my pulse jump with anticipation a few times before even 9:00 am, but sure enough, there was noContinue reading “I’m In No Hurry”

The Evolution has begun…

This past Wednesday, evolution was fueled by courage. It took me the better part of an hour and a half to draft the email, summoning courage every minute. I then decided I had better schedule the email and accompanying social media post for later in the day, because another effort in courage would have noContinue reading “The Evolution has begun…”

Evolution Meets Courage

I am writing a lot lately about evolution. Evolving, creating the life you want, shaking things up, reinventing yourself, shedding the old and embracing the new, fully immersing yourself in the process, allowing the flow to carry you, taking extra care to enjoy the journey…I am not running from any of it. As a matterContinue reading “Evolution Meets Courage”

Meal Plan

Here’s the plan, Stan. I got my meals mapped out for the week, and I’ve bought all the fixins’. I pretty much have my entire life together. *eye roll* Any whicha’ way, as a sweet Southern man I know says, my plan looks all fancy. Here it is… Monday – Chili It’s Big Daddy’s birthday,Continue reading “Meal Plan”

Cooking is my love language.

One of the things I am looking most forward to as I create the life I want to live is cooking. Cooking is one of my love languages. If I cook for you, I love you! The funny thing is that, in my old life, cooking was drudgery. My people actually wanted to eat every,Continue reading “Cooking is my love language.”