Healing: False Beliefs

You have beliefs about things that are not true. We all do. Let me explain. False beliefs, also referred to as limiting beliefs, are ideas we rigidly hold to be true. They affect our behavior, our attitude, even our moods. We pick up these false beliefs throughout our life by way of culture, social norms,Continue reading “Healing: False Beliefs”

Fertile for the right seed.

“Is my mind fertile for the right seed?” That’s the question. Now, let’s get into it. I love to learn. I have always loved to learn. Except that I actually must have a life and manage it effectively day to day, I would read book after book, go to college again, sit with interesting people,Continue reading “Fertile for the right seed.”

Soul Love

You’ve heard it before… “Be grateful for what you have.” “Count your blessings.” “What if you woke up tomorrow with only what you gave thanks for tonight?” Now think about this… “I am grateful I’m alive, breathing, healthy.” “I am blessed to have a sharp mind, keen intuition, and strong emotional connections with other beautifulContinue reading “Soul Love”

Newsflash About Your Brain

Fun Fact: Your brain will choose familiar crap before it will choose unfamiliar good. This is is why fear is “easier” than faith. Your brain actually prefers it. Really? How do I know all this? Well, I read a lot. And I have spent the last 6 months or so exploring the function of myContinue reading “Newsflash About Your Brain”