Make the Decision. Evolve.

I came up with a list of what I wanted out of “retirement” from dance studio ownership, and here I am doing things on my list:  leisurely drinking coffee and reading about wine at 11:00 am on a Monday. Yes. Among other things, leisurely drinking a cup of coffee AND reading AND learning about wineContinue reading “Make the Decision. Evolve.”

The Evolution has begun…

This past Wednesday, evolution was fueled by courage. It took me the better part of an hour and a half to draft the email, summoning courage every minute. I then decided I had better schedule the email and accompanying social media post for later in the day, because another effort in courage would have noContinue reading “The Evolution has begun…”

Evolution Meets Courage

I am writing a lot lately about evolution. Evolving, creating the life you want, shaking things up, reinventing yourself, shedding the old and embracing the new, fully immersing yourself in the process, allowing the flow to carry you, taking extra care to enjoy the journey…I am not running from any of it. As a matterContinue reading “Evolution Meets Courage”

Just do.

I heard that, if you’re going through something, you should wait until you’ve gone through it completely to write about it. Give readers the whole scope of whatever you’ve suffered, accomplished, or figured out from beginning to end. Describe the trials, give the steps you took, tell the story, illustrate the outcome. Maybe so. IContinue reading “Just do.”

My 16 Year Old Driver

My 16 year old daughter has places to be. We were looking at the calendar together this morning at her appointments, weekly roping lessons, dance classes, and church activities, and she said… “Wow, Mom, it’s going to take so much off of you when I’m able to drive myself.” Yep. It’s going to take soContinue reading “My 16 Year Old Driver”

Cooking is my love language.

One of the things I am looking most forward to as I create the life I want to live is cooking. Cooking is one of my love languages. If I cook for you, I love you! The funny thing is that, in my old life, cooking was drudgery. My people actually wanted to eat every,Continue reading “Cooking is my love language.”

Selfish (In A Good Way) & Not Alone

When you embark upon a mission of self awareness, you have to get really selfish (in a good way). That was not easy for me. I give to people. I overextend myself to make other people happy. I worry and lose sleep to ensure what I’m doing for others is top-notch. I feel other people’s pains and tend to wantContinue reading “Selfish (In A Good Way) & Not Alone”


January is over. By now, most of us have learned to write “2024” consistently without having to go back and scratch through the “2023” we clumsily wrote by mistake. I’m not even continually hearing reflections on 2023, what a good year it was, how rough it was. We can mark it as a year in history now. It’s over.Continue reading “Evolve.”