Things I Learned Today / 6/16/24

Sunday, June 16, 2024 Today, I learned that flights to a lot of places are wildly expensive right now. How can I book my next and my next and next trips? Knowing there’s a trip on the horizon makes my heart happy…and I have ideas! I need to start looking harder for deals. I learnedContinue reading “Things I Learned Today / 6/16/24”

Slow Down Vibes

I can slow down. I can actually enjoy the process involved in completing a task at hand. What does that even mean? Let me tell you how much I have had to think on that one and get it straight in my head. It’s not how I have been programmed. It is not my usualContinue reading “Slow Down Vibes”

Things I Learned Today / 6/15/24

Saturday, June 15, 2024 Today I learned that if you put leftovers in ziploc bags, it’s easier just to put them in the fridge then toss them days later. Who wants save leftovers only to eventually open a yucky, fuzzy tupperware surprise, empty it, then wash it? I ordered seedless watermelons. Got watermelons with seeds.Continue reading “Things I Learned Today / 6/15/24”

Things I Learned Today / 6/14/24

Friday, June 14, 2024 Today I learned that I can write about something meaningful to me and share personal info, but nobody reads it. That’s ok. Writing practice. I did so many things today, and I cooked a really good dinner. I learned to make pizza dough in my bread machine. We had BBQ chickenContinue reading “Things I Learned Today / 6/14/24”

Healing: False Beliefs

You have beliefs about things that are not true. We all do. Let me explain. False beliefs, also referred to as limiting beliefs, are ideas we rigidly hold to be true. They affect our behavior, our attitude, even our moods. We pick up these false beliefs throughout our life by way of culture, social norms,Continue reading “Healing: False Beliefs”

Things I Learned Today / 6/13/24

Thursday, June 13, 2024 Today, I learned that people have hang-ups, traumas, and bad experiences that they don’t deal with, and all the fall-out from those things get visited on others at work, at home, who knows. I marvel at how much ugliness goes on in the world, how people say things that hurt others…andContinue reading “Things I Learned Today / 6/13/24”

Things I Learned Today / 6/12/24

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 Today, I learned that retirement brings about unanticipated emotions. I faced reality on a number of fronts, and they were all hard. The emotions are a little hard to untangle, and I might need to call upon some of my industry friends to help me sort through them. Apparently, my faceContinue reading “Things I Learned Today / 6/12/24”

Things I Learned Today

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 Today, I learned that retirement brings about unanticipated emotions. I faced reality on a number of fronts, and they were all hard. The emotions are a little hard to untangle, and I might need to call upon some of my industry friends to help me sort through them. Apparently, my faceContinue reading “Things I Learned Today”

Create Souvenirs

We leave things behind. We leave something where ever we go. We leave a little part of ourselves with every person with which we interact. Like souvenirs. That little thing – the smile, the encouraging word, the compliment, the observation, the point, the snarky comment, the criticism, those last words – we leave behind. WeContinue reading “Create Souvenirs”

Things I Learned Today / 6/10/24

Monday, June 10, 2024 I learned that I need to check on what we have in the fridge and in the pantry before I buy groceries. We have 4 unopened jars of pickles, at least 3 bottles of Caesar dressing, and enough chicken stock to support the buoyancy of an aircraft carrier. I could goContinue reading “Things I Learned Today / 6/10/24”