Cleaning Up After the Chaos

Ok, so when I say “chaos”, it’s not really what you think. We are not hoarders (much). There is not a trail from the front door to a delapidated chair flanked by walls of junk and trash. It’s not THAT bad. My house is generally clean from countertops to toilets, from dishes to laundry. WhenContinue reading “Cleaning Up After the Chaos”

Cooking With Love

Only 4 short weeks and within the last 12 years ago, I would have rather eaten a pair of Reebok Pumps than cook. I didn’t want to stand on my feet in front of a stove. I didn’t want to expend the brain power necessary for meal planning. I certainly didn’t want to go toContinue reading “Cooking With Love”

Come home. Remember your “why”.

I went to church this morning. Not having gone in weeks, I was reluctant. Not having been around people much since my last series of performances as a studio owner, I was nearly resistant. I would have to people. “How’s retirement going?” *grin* “It’s been a while since we saw you.” *eyebrows up* I decided,Continue reading “Come home. Remember your “why”.”

Hawk Tuah. Just no.

OK, I’ll just say it. The “hawk tuah” thing disappoints me. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, please go look it up and watch the stupid video. I am not explaining it here. You won’t have to look far. There are memes, merch, reels, and car window decals. What this random chick saidContinue reading “Hawk Tuah. Just no.”

Things I Learned Today / 6/19/24

Today I learned how to make bananas foster, as promised. We had it with vanilla bean ice cream. It was divine! I learned today that my blog’s website needed work. I still think it needs work (as in, programming, SEO, plug-ins, and such-type work), but it gets over my head. The learning curve is real,Continue reading “Things I Learned Today / 6/19/24”

Something To Look Forward To = Deliverance

I remember how it felt to move to Phoenix – adventurous, intrepid, liberating! I was only 24 and had been married for almost a year. We had seven days to make the decision about moving, sight unseen, to a city with a population of more than half my entire home state. The company for whichContinue reading “Something To Look Forward To = Deliverance”

Things I Learned Today / Tue, 6/18/24

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 Today, I learned that I made the right decision when it comes to retirement despite any passing wonders, what-ifs, and supposes in my head. I never doubted it, don’t get me wrong. I was sure. But I can say with confidence that I did the right thing. I learned that myContinue reading “Things I Learned Today / Tue, 6/18/24”

Make the Decision. Evolve.

I came up with a list of what I wanted out of “retirement” from dance studio ownership, and here I am doing things on my list:  leisurely drinking coffee and reading about wine at 11:00 am on a Monday. Yes. Among other things, leisurely drinking a cup of coffee AND reading AND learning about wineContinue reading “Make the Decision. Evolve.”