Come home. Remember your “why”.

I went to church this morning. Not having gone in weeks, I was reluctant. Not having been around people much since my last series of performances as a studio owner, I was nearly resistant. I would have to people. “How’s retirement going?” *grin* “It’s been a while since we saw you.” *eyebrows up* I decided,Continue reading “Come home. Remember your “why”.”

Just do.

I heard that, if you’re going through something, you should wait until you’ve gone through it completely to write about it. Give readers the whole scope of whatever you’ve suffered, accomplished, or figured out from beginning to end. Describe the trials, give the steps you took, tell the story, illustrate the outcome. Maybe so. IContinue reading “Just do.”

My 16 Year Old Driver

My 16 year old daughter has places to be. We were looking at the calendar together this morning at her appointments, weekly roping lessons, dance classes, and church activities, and she said… “Wow, Mom, it’s going to take so much off of you when I’m able to drive myself.” Yep. It’s going to take soContinue reading “My 16 Year Old Driver”

Marry right.

Here’s a cool thing about marrying right (there are many, but here’s one): You get someone who helps make all your dreams come true…then they help you come up with new dreams. I married right. In our 25 years (come May 2024), I will have crossed off pretty much every item on my by-the-time-I’m-40 bucketContinue reading “Marry right.”

Selfish (In A Good Way) & Not Alone

When you embark upon a mission of self awareness, you have to get really selfish (in a good way). That was not easy for me. I give to people. I overextend myself to make other people happy. I worry and lose sleep to ensure what I’m doing for others is top-notch. I feel other people’s pains and tend to wantContinue reading “Selfish (In A Good Way) & Not Alone”