Things I Learned Today / 6/12/24

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Today, I learned that retirement brings about unanticipated emotions. I faced reality on a number of fronts, and they were all hard. The emotions are a little hard to untangle, and I might need to call upon some of my industry friends to help me sort through them.

Apparently, my face gets “too” animated…not that this is a surprise. Hiding my emotions or thoughts is not my specialty. Heck, I don’t even think that much about it. It’s just my face. I just have eyebrows that go up and down. My eyes get big. I scrunch up my nose. Anyway, I’m aware that it is annoying for some, but since it’s my face, I’m not an actress pretending to be dramatic, and I can’t help my natural reaction to things, I can’t really apologize.

I am not hungry. I was not hungry all day. I do have a cold, so maybe it’s that. Regardless of what it is, I won’t question it, since it won’t hurt me to miss a meal (or five).

Words can destroy. I am not good at unhearing things. As a matter of fact, I struggle horribly with unhearing things. Or maybe I can…I mean, it’s possible…but it’s hard for me.

I am enough. I am not “too much” or unreasonable in my general way of carrying on with life. I know that. I am secure in it.

Self awareness is rare.

I am making Egg McMuffins at home these days, and they are so tasty. And since only good, at-home, chosen-by-me ingredients are used, I’m not even ashamed to eat two if I’m really hungry in the morning. This morning, I only had one, but I’m just sayin’…

Cranberry juice is fire. I love it.

I find it time to begin planning parties again. I am excited.

That is all. We learn every day, don’t we?

Published by Amanda Herring, Writer

Practical wisdom, joys and pains, motivation and tough love, from the perspective of a Mississippi mom, traveler, business owner, goal crusher, substance seeker, and full-time dreamer

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