Come home. Remember your “why”.

I went to church this morning. Not having gone in weeks, I was reluctant. Not having been around people much since my last series of performances as a studio owner, I was nearly resistant. I would have to people.

“How’s retirement going?” *grin*

“It’s been a while since we saw you.” *eyebrows up*

I decided, before I left the house, I would pray about the day and particularly ask God to remind me that I was in the right place. Not just in the right place being at church, but I prayed that I was doing the right thing with my writing. Is my heart in the right place? I have had some inspiration lately for a new creative venture. Was I tracking toward where He wanted me to go? I know that being home is EVERYTHING and certainly the right place for me. Could that be a catalyst for my creativity?

A lively melodic intro for “It Is Well (With My Soul)” began to flow, and the lyrics popped up on the screen for the crowd to follow. I laughed out loud.

That’s my jam. God knew just how to tell me I’m in the right place.

Since I have been home (I’m 3 weeks post-retirement now), I have cleaned out every kitchen cabinet and drawer, as well as the pantry. My laundry is caught up, and my floors are clean. I make the bed every day. While I straighten and organize, I listen to music and ask myself a lot of questions. The evolution has proven to be one of some confusion, as I must adjust to living differently IN ALL THE WAYS. Am I doing it right? Any of it?

Girl, it is well with your soul.

I doubted my writing this week. I have felt a little aimless, not sure about my niche, not sure where my people are if I can even come up with my niche, and not sure what to write about that any of those people would care anything about. I want to write, but I feel dumb. I want to expand my social media presence, but I don’t want to embarrass my kids (or myself). Then a trusted friend reminded me that in the movie, “Field of Dreams”, there was a repeated phrase I should remember.

If I built it, they will come.

My Canadian friend, Ms. June, is stepping out of her comfort zone in a week or so and holding an informal seminar of sorts in her town for anybody who wants to “remember your why”. She admitted she was nervous and hopeful but looking forward to this new opportunity to gather people who might benefit from her wisdom and delve into this important question for themselves. Remember your why? Outside your comfort zone?

Remember your why.

Armed with my take-aways from both my friends – and my divine reminder – I sat down and listed my “whys” for coming home. There were twenty! To articulate them, savor them, and bring myself back into focus felt good. And I may have figured out my writing niche! I will be settling into it and running with it right away!

Here are a few of my “whys”, and I will share the rest soon…

  • I want to spend more time with my kids. They are almost grown, and it will soon be time for them to fly.
  • I want to take better care of my husband. He deserves it.
  • I want to cook real food and eat together at a table. We have not done this routinely in twelve years.
  • I want to nurture my own soul, devote myself to spiritual practices, and deepen my relationship with God.
  • I want to focus more on being good to myself deliberately instead of squeezing in self care when it’s convenient.

While those few may seem patently obvious, COMING HOME offers me the time to be committed and focused on these “whys” with intention. The “whys” are the good stuff, the stuff worth sharing and writing about!

I hope you’ll continue to stick around as The Evolution continues and COME HOME with me. Either be motivated and inspired to come home if that’s been a long-time thought in your mind, or rekindle the joy of being home if you’ve lost your spark. Perhaps even appreciate the value in being home if you’re home, too!

We have these and fifteen more “whys” to explore, and I will keep the faith that if I build it, they will indeed come. I’m in the right place. It is well with my soul.

Published by Amanda Herring, Writer

Practical wisdom, joys and pains, motivation and tough love, from the perspective of a Mississippi mom, traveler, business owner, goal crusher, substance seeker, and full-time dreamer

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