Things I Learned Today / 6/14/24

Friday, June 14, 2024

Today I learned that I can write about something meaningful to me and share personal info, but nobody reads it. That’s ok. Writing practice.

I did so many things today, and I cooked a really good dinner. I learned to make pizza dough in my bread machine. We had BBQ chicken and bacon pizza and caesar salad.

The HVAC/restaurant service business is full of unscrupulous liars. I said what I said. Let the buyer beware. But hey, we just keep doing honest work and let The Universe handle the turkeys. It will.

My friend told me just to write, and I’m listening. Don’t write to make people happy. Don’t try to write what someone will like or share. Just write from my heart. Ok.

I’m learning not to covet those Facebook bloggers who have a zillion followers and tons of likes and shares. They probably started out as monkeys like me.

When you have a German Shepherd, you have to vacuum every other day.

I learned that when I put bubbles in the bath, then turn on the jets, it creates a bit of a predicament. I had bubbles up to Jesus.

My phone just autocrorrected “Jesus” to “Festus” and I had to fix it (for you Gunsmoke fans).

Perhaps related, my maiden name is “Estes” and a bunch of boys called me “Festus” the whole year when I was in 7th grade. Good times.

That is all. We learn every day, don’t we?

Published by Amanda Herring, Writer

Practical wisdom, joys and pains, motivation and tough love, from the perspective of a Mississippi mom, traveler, business owner, goal crusher, substance seeker, and full-time dreamer

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