Things I Learned Today / 6/13/24

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Today, I learned that people have hang-ups, traumas, and bad experiences that they don’t deal with, and all the fall-out from those things get visited on others at work, at home, who knows. I marvel at how much ugliness goes on in the world, how people say things that hurt others…and they are out running businesses, being responsible for children, serving in the community. It’s odd, interesting, and sad.

I learned that a lot of people love me, and I sure am grateful for that. We should not forget or fail to see that we are loved.

Words have immense power. They can cast spells, literally and figuratively.

Our dog, Ari, is the sweetest, most loving German Shepherd you could ever hope to own.

I bought these cute, little round egg cooker thingies, and now the egg on my Egg McMuffins are perfectly round in the exact size of the English muffin. It doesn’t take much to impress or entertain me.

I am absolutely hung up on Bob Marley right now. And I want to get myself a record player.

Fun Fact: I have not had coffee in upwards of a week. Can you believe it?

I learned today that I love, love, love to mow my grass. Yep. I was covered in dust and clippings and grossness afterward, but it looks so nice.

I learned that I can make a Chicken Philly and sweet potato fries to rival most any restaurant. Man, tonight’s dinner was so good.

That is all. We learn every day, don’t we?

Published by Amanda Herring, Writer

Practical wisdom, joys and pains, motivation and tough love, from the perspective of a Mississippi mom, traveler, business owner, goal crusher, substance seeker, and full-time dreamer

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